Thursday, December 09, 2010

A night to remember for "Mr/Mrs/Ms THAM"

5.12.10 - Sunday
:: Dinner Night // Tham's Clansmen International Convention

I was invited by my parents to attend the dinner a week ago, as I seldom spend time to gather or hang out with relatives so......I decided to go and I think this is the time for me to gather with them~ For the previous dinner I attended, is just like normal dining at some restaurant and almost around 500-600 pax like that BUT this time really surprised me when I saw the ballroom - they have set over 120 dining tables for the night, its a huge dinner night~!! ♥ Happy moment with Tham's family members, we gather/we chat/we eat/we drink/we celebrate  

Waiting for 'chop'
My relatives & my parents
Tham's Lion Dance
My 2nd uncle(sifu) and his team
Dragon Dance 
Fire crackers time...
All the oversea's Guests 
- From HK, Taiwan, China, Macau....etc -
Malaysia's representative, 
My 1st uncle(who standing at the middle with his wife)
He is the Chairman of World's Thams Association
Entrance of the ballroom
Dang dang ! Here's the dining place
Lighting like a concert night ~ woo hoo!!!
Show end around 11pm
-----  What a happening night ~~~


Theme Song for the THAMs

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